The moonlight illuminates the ethereal landscape of Yosemite.

There are certain natural phenomenons I dream of experiencing and the moonbows of Yosemite top that list.  In the months from April though June the full moon rises at the precise geometric angle with enough reflected light to cast rainbows upon the mist of Yosemite Falls.  This requires three elements: being at the right place at the right time, a cloudless sky, and a flowing waterfall.  On the night of the full moon in May 2016, I set up across Cook’s Meadow, listening to the roar of Upper and Lower Falls piercing through the silence of the night… all under a blanket of clouds.  From sunrise to sunset thick clouds covered the sky, and while I appreciated the soft light they provided throughout the day, I now loathed their existence as moonrise neared.

I’ve had enough landscapes spoiled by bad weather that I take it all in stride, but this night would be one I’ll always remember.  As 10:00 pm drew closer the sky slowly became brighter and brighter, and the clouds mysteriously dissipated revealing a deep blue sky filled with twinkling stars as if directed by the Hand of God.  As the moon broke the mountaintops behind me the sheer strength of the moonlight allowed me to see faint hints of color as the moonbow materiazlied.  That night, that night was magical.